High Priest Jue-lin Biography
High Priest Jue Lin was born on October 12, 1967 from a Buddhist family in Shao Shan, Hunan, China. Due to mysterious dreams during the Mother's pregnancy, she decided to entrust the newly born child to an old temple at South Hunan. The merciful monk, Dao Yun High Priest confirmed and accepted the child into temple. As the old proverb said: For all these with destined heaven's duties, will receive the challenges and training from the heaven before they are entrusted with the mission. The child monk has a sad childhood. He joined with the High Priest, his master and wondered throughout China. For 10 years they lived on food donated to them the whole journey. He did not speak until he was 12 years old. At that year, the temple master, Dao Yun invited all the high priests nearby to come over for joint prayers. Just during this event, one day, the child sudden came out his first sentence: May the Buddha preserve us! Everyone there was amazed with this incident. The high priest, Chang Ming, Master of the Gui Yuan Temple of Wuhan, Hubei, China. Recognized the talent in the child and requested to take him as his prentice, and rename the young monk as: Liao Ming.
The young monk received good guidance and training from various masters. He has done deep and thorough studies in Buddha scriptures plus learning at renown Buddhist temples in Wu Tai, Jiu Hua, E Mei, Pu Tuo and because of this sincerity and clean faith, received well by all the visited temples. In April of1984, the yong monk met the well respected, renown Buddhist master Ben Huan and was received into the his temple. Again, the young monk is given a new Buddhist name as Jue Lin. At the same year, Jue Lin was accepted by Chinese Buddhist University with high score. This program allows Jue Lin to systematically learned all schools of Buddhism: Jing Tu, Hua Yan, and Tian Tai. In July 1993, Jue Lin graduated with the top grade of the class and earned his bachelor degree plus he received admission acceptance for the graduate school of China Buddhism University for post graduate studies. Under professor, Mr. Zhao Pu Chu, and the Dean of China Buddhist Graduate Institute, Professor. Wu li Ming, Jue Lin received the outstanding learning experience here. Jue Lin graduated in June,1995 and received his Master degree by a successful final exam and presentation. He is the 19th person every received Master degree from this institution founded in 1980. In October of 1995, Jue Lin receive his high priest recognition at Wu Mei Tang Temple, under his master, Chang Ming, in Huang Mei, Hubei, China. Jue Lin followed his Master's instruction, continuingly study and research at various important temples, these included: Guang Xiao Temple of Guangzhou, Hong Fa Temple of Shenzhen, Guangdong, and Jie Tai Temple of Beijing. All the visits are focused on Buddhism research works.
Upon studies all the Buddhist doctrine and scripture, Jue Lin started his association with various Buddhist promotion occasions and started his international teaching of Buddhism.
High Priest Jue Lin has kept his Buddhist disciplines restrictively. Over the years, Master Jue Lin lives a very simple life style. Always donate his received to the poor or needed in charitable occasions.
High Priest Jue Lin has strong academic background in Buddhism. His moral is bright and high. All his life has been devoted to promote Buddhism and his prentices are all over the world. Elite people of famous professionals, professors, businessmen, government officials...all bow and kneel to receive his lessons. He has been many times invited to give speeches and his blessings overseas such as: Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and USA. His work for spreading Buddhism, received international attention.
Jue Lin High Priest has been invited in 2006, to become the Head Master of Ling Zhi Temple. Master has been teaching Buddhism recently in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Changsha, Guiyang, Xi An and Jing Zhou areas.
觉林法师认为,佛教的传承,首要的乃是文化的传承,法师在建寺、弘法、安僧的同时,坚持走“以文化兴教,以文化兴寺”之路,2007年,创办了荆州佛教界第一份大型佛学季刊《惜缘》,成为传播佛教文化,展现荆州佛教整体形象的一个重要窗口。为进一步提升自己的佛学修养,使佛陀的教理、教义、教规在全球范围内得以广泛传播,法师于 2012年9月顺利考入中国人民大学佛学文化专业硕士研究生班继续深造,师从中国当代佛学泰斗方立天先生及楼宇烈先生。
High Priest Jue Lin believes in, in order to lay down solid foundation for Buddhism, it is essential to clearly note the importance of " Cultural Effect". While building temples, spread Buddhism, and training monks, it is important that a religious cultural effect is connected to all aspects. For this purpose, Jue Lin published first Buddhist periodical Magazine in China, "Cherish Encounter" magazine. It has become one of the most important religious magazines in China. Jue Lin also paid utmost attention to his research and studies on Buddhism. In September of 2012, Jue Lin again was granted admission to do further post graduate studies in Buddhism at Graduate School of Buddhism of University of People, under the professors Lou Yu Lie and Fang Li Tian, two most renown masters of Buddhist research.
With solid knowledge and persistence in self improvement, although Master Jue Lin has not yet reached his peak in life, we do believe he will continue to grow and flourish in his self cultivation, that he will make his ancient Ling Di Temple, a mission center associated with Self Cultivation, Buddhism promotion, Education, Charity, Elderly Nursing and Late life care center of the world.